Annual Club Tournaments

Frostbite Tournament
From November till March of following year
GOA's Frostbite Tournament is a team based handicap tournament run through the winter months (November to March) with one round per month, usually the first Saturday in the month. The Frostbite round comprises 36 arrows shot at 30 meters at an 80cm target face with metric scoring. The round is therefore suitable for everybody good or bad, old or young. Each competition lasts about 2 hours.
In the Frostbite Round any bow type can be used, but the same bow type must be used for all rounds of the tournament.
Those wishing to take part are grouped into teams of 6/7 archers. The grouping attempts to create teams with the same overall skill level. Team score for the month is based on the handicap corrected top five scores made by team members.
If less than five team members attend a particular round then a "bye" score is allocated so the team is not excessively penalised.
At the end of the tournament the winners are:
The team with the overall highest handicap adjusted score
Highest overall individual gent and lady

GOA Club Championship
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