GOA Membership Fees
The shooting period at the club is from the 1st of October 2024 to the 30th of September 2025.
Saturdays from noon.
Our Membership fees (This includes Archery GB & SCAS & MCAA fees):
Adults 25+: £135
Second Adults Over 25: £100
Adults Over 60: £90
Second Adults Over 60: £65
Juniors Under 18: £55
Associate Members over 60: £45
Associate Members, Direct AGB Members: £80
Associate Members, belong to another club: £80
Summer & Winter ''Have a Go Session'': £10 (2 hrs)
Visitors: £5 (for archers only, a maximum of 5 visits only allowed)
Equipment rental: £5 (2 hrs)
This is for members who belong to another club and are interested in shooting in the summer with GOA. Our Summer Membership Fees start from the 1st week of May to the end of September 2024. Saturdays from 12 pm - 5 pm, Tuesday and Friday Evenings from 5 pm - 9 pm.
Recurve and Longbow: £45
Compound: £70
Please email: greenwoodosterleyarchery@gmail.com for further information about Membership Fees for 2024-2025.

Bank Transfer to:
Account Name: G.O.A
Account: 35068912
Sort Code: 23 05 80
Reference: ''Your Name''